11 Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition, Pengertian dan Struktur Lengkap

11 Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition, Pengertian dan Struktur Lengkap

JAKARTA, celebrities.id – Berikut ini beberapa contoh teks Analytical Exposition dapat menjadi panduan kamu dalam menulis. Sebab membuat karya tulis satu ini tidak bisa dilakukan secara sembarangan. Mengapa demikian?

Hal itu disebabkan karena teks Analytical Exposition merupakan sebuah karya tulis Bahasa Inggris yang membahas informasi terkait dengan isu dan fenomena yang ada atau sedang terjadi kepada para pembacanya tanpa mempengaruhi pembaca untuk setuju atau melakukan sesuatu.

Fungsi dari pembuatan teks Teks Analytical Exposition berguna untuk meyakinkan para pembaca terkait isu yang diangkat sangat penting. Umumnya teks satu ini dapat kamu temui dengan mudah pada bagian editorial majalah dan surat kabar. Teks satu ini berisikan tentang argumen untuk memperkuat karya tulisannya serta diakhiri dengan kesimpulan

Lantas bagaimana cara membuat Analytical Exposition yang baik dan benar? Berikut Celebrities.id telah merangkum dari beberapa sumber, Selasa (23/08/2022) terkait contoh teks analytical exposition.

1. Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition Tentang Pentingnya Latihan dan Olahraga

The Importance of Exercise and Sports


We all know that exercise is important in our daily lives, but we may not know why or what exercise can do for us. Here are some of the benefits of exercise.


Exercise increases energy levels. Exercise increases the strength and efficiency of your cardiovascular system to get oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. When your cardiovascular system is working better, everything seems easier and you have more energy for the fun things in life.

Exercise increases muscle strength. Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move more easily and avoid injury. Strong muscles and ligaments reduce the risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping the joints aligned. They also improve coordination and balance.

Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. In addition, the more muscle you develop, the higher your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. Results? You can lose weight and look better physically which will increase your self-esteem.


Exercise improves brain function. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain. It also promotes the release of brain chemicals (hormones) that are responsible for cell production in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and learning. This, in turn, improves concentration levels and cognitive abilities, and helps reduce the risk of cognitive degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


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